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HALF - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.BlockDoor
HALF - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.BlockDoublePlant
HALF - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.BlockSlab
HALF - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs
HALF - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.BlockTrapDoor
Hall() - Constructor for class
Hall(StructureVillagePieces.Start, int, Random, StructureBoundingBox, EnumFacing) - Constructor for class
handleAnimation(S0BPacketAnimation) - Method in class
Renders a specified animation: Waking up a player, a living entity swinging its currently held item, being hurt or receiving a critical hit by normal or magical means
handleAnimation(C0APacketAnimation) - Method in class
handleAnimation(S0BPacketAnimation) - Method in interface
Renders a specified animation: Waking up a player, a living entity swinging its currently held item, being hurt or receiving a critical hit by normal or magical means
handleAnimation(C0APacketAnimation) - Method in interface
handleBlockAction(S24PacketBlockAction) - Method in class
Triggers Block.onBlockEventReceived, which is implemented in BlockPistonBase for extension/retraction, BlockNote for setting the instrument (including audiovisual feedback) and in BlockContainer to set the number of players accessing a (Ender)Chest
handleBlockAction(S24PacketBlockAction) - Method in interface
Triggers Block.onBlockEventReceived, which is implemented in BlockPistonBase for extension/retraction, BlockNote for setting the instrument (including audiovisual feedback) and in BlockContainer to set the number of players accessing a (Ender)Chest
handleBlockBreakAnim(S25PacketBlockBreakAnim) - Method in class
Updates all registered IWorldAccess instances with destroyBlockInWorldPartially
handleBlockBreakAnim(S25PacketBlockBreakAnim) - Method in interface
Updates all registered IWorldAccess instances with destroyBlockInWorldPartially
handleBlockChange(S23PacketBlockChange) - Method in class
Updates the block and metadata and generates a blockupdate (and notify the clients)
handleBlockChange(S23PacketBlockChange) - Method in interface
Updates the block and metadata and generates a blockupdate (and notify the clients)
handleCamera(S43PacketCamera) - Method in class
handleCamera(S43PacketCamera) - Method in interface
handleChangeGameState(S2BPacketChangeGameState) - Method in class
handleChangeGameState(S2BPacketChangeGameState) - Method in interface
handleChat(S02PacketChat) - Method in class
Prints a chatmessage in the chat GUI
handleChat(S02PacketChat) - Method in interface
Prints a chatmessage in the chat GUI
handleChunkData(S21PacketChunkData) - Method in class
Updates the specified chunk with the supplied data, marks it for re-rendering and lighting recalculation
handleChunkData(S21PacketChunkData) - Method in interface
Updates the specified chunk with the supplied data, marks it for re-rendering and lighting recalculation
handleClientSettings(C15PacketClientSettings) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP
handleCloseWindow(S2EPacketCloseWindow) - Method in class
Resets the ItemStack held in hand and closes the window that is opened
handleCloseWindow(S2EPacketCloseWindow) - Method in interface
Resets the ItemStack held in hand and closes the window that is opened
handleCollectItem(S0DPacketCollectItem) - Method in class
handleCollectItem(S0DPacketCollectItem) - Method in interface
handleCombatEvent(S42PacketCombatEvent) - Method in class
handleCombatEvent(S42PacketCombatEvent) - Method in interface
handleComponentClick(IChatComponent) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen
Executes the click event specified by the given chat component
handleComponentClick(IChatComponent) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreenBook
Executes the click event specified by the given chat component
handleComponentHover(IChatComponent, int, int) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen
Draws the hover event specified by the given chat component
handleConfirmTransaction(S32PacketConfirmTransaction) - Method in class
Verifies that the server and client are synchronized with respect to the inventory/container opened by the player and confirms if it is the case.
handleConfirmTransaction(S32PacketConfirmTransaction) - Method in interface
Verifies that the server and client are synchronized with respect to the inventory/container opened by the player and confirms if it is the case.
handleCustomPayload(S3FPacketCustomPayload) - Method in class
Handles packets that have room for a channel specification.
handleCustomPayload(S3FPacketCustomPayload) - Method in interface
Handles packets that have room for a channel specification.
handleDestroyEntities(S13PacketDestroyEntities) - Method in class
Locally eliminates the entities.
handleDestroyEntities(S13PacketDestroyEntities) - Method in interface
Locally eliminates the entities.
handleDisconnect(S00PacketDisconnect) - Method in class
handleDisconnect(S40PacketDisconnect) - Method in class
Closes the network channel
handleDisconnect(S00PacketDisconnect) - Method in interface
handleDisconnect(S40PacketDisconnect) - Method in interface
Closes the network channel
handleDisplayScoreboard(S3DPacketDisplayScoreboard) - Method in class
Removes or sets the ScoreObjective to be displayed at a particular scoreboard position (list, sidebar, below name)
handleDisplayScoreboard(S3DPacketDisplayScoreboard) - Method in interface
Removes or sets the ScoreObjective to be displayed at a particular scoreboard position (list, sidebar, below name)
handleEffect(S28PacketEffect) - Method in class
handleEffect(S28PacketEffect) - Method in interface
handleEnableCompression(S03PacketEnableCompression) - Method in class
handleEnableCompression(S03PacketEnableCompression) - Method in interface
handleEncryptionRequest(S01PacketEncryptionRequest) - Method in class
handleEncryptionRequest(S01PacketEncryptionRequest) - Method in interface
handleEntityAttach(S1BPacketEntityAttach) - Method in class
handleEntityAttach(S1BPacketEntityAttach) - Method in interface
handleEntityEffect(S1DPacketEntityEffect) - Method in class
handleEntityEffect(S1DPacketEntityEffect) - Method in interface
handleEntityEquipment(S04PacketEntityEquipment) - Method in class
handleEntityEquipment(S04PacketEntityEquipment) - Method in interface
handleEntityHeadLook(S19PacketEntityHeadLook) - Method in class
Updates the direction in which the specified entity is looking, normally this head rotation is independent of the rotation of the entity itself
handleEntityHeadLook(S19PacketEntityHeadLook) - Method in interface
Updates the direction in which the specified entity is looking, normally this head rotation is independent of the rotation of the entity itself
handleEntityMetadata(S1CPacketEntityMetadata) - Method in class
Invoked when the server registers new proximate objects in your watchlist or when objects in your watchlist have changed -> Registers any changes locally
handleEntityMetadata(S1CPacketEntityMetadata) - Method in interface
Invoked when the server registers new proximate objects in your watchlist or when objects in your watchlist have changed -> Registers any changes locally
handleEntityMovement(S14PacketEntity) - Method in class
Updates the specified entity's position by the specified relative moment and absolute rotation.
handleEntityMovement(S14PacketEntity) - Method in interface
Updates the specified entity's position by the specified relative moment and absolute rotation.
handleEntityNBT(S49PacketUpdateEntityNBT) - Method in class
handleEntityNBT(S49PacketUpdateEntityNBT) - Method in interface
handleEntityProperties(S20PacketEntityProperties) - Method in class
Updates en entity's attributes and their respective modifiers, which are used for speed bonusses (player sprinting, animals fleeing, baby speed), weapon/tool attackDamage, hostiles followRange randomization, zombie maxHealth and knockback resistance as well as reinforcement spawning chance.
handleEntityProperties(S20PacketEntityProperties) - Method in interface
Updates en entity's attributes and their respective modifiers, which are used for speed bonusses (player sprinting, animals fleeing, baby speed), weapon/tool attackDamage, hostiles followRange randomization, zombie maxHealth and knockback resistance as well as reinforcement spawning chance.
handleEntityStatus(S19PacketEntityStatus) - Method in class
Invokes the entities' handleUpdateHealth method which is implemented in LivingBase (hurt/death), MinecartMobSpawner (spawn delay), FireworkRocket & MinecartTNT (explosion), IronGolem (throwing,...), Witch (spawn particles), Zombie (villager transformation), Animal (breeding mode particles), Horse (breeding/smoke particles), Sheep (...), Tameable (...), Villager (particles for breeding mode, angry and happy), Wolf (...)
handleEntityStatus(S19PacketEntityStatus) - Method in interface
Invokes the entities' handleUpdateHealth method which is implemented in LivingBase (hurt/death), MinecartMobSpawner (spawn delay), FireworkRocket & MinecartTNT (explosion), IronGolem (throwing,...), Witch (spawn particles), Zombie (villager transformation), Animal (breeding mode particles), Horse (breeding/smoke particles), Sheep (...), Tameable (...), Villager (particles for breeding mode, angry and happy), Wolf (...)
handleEntityTeleport(S18PacketEntityTeleport) - Method in class
Updates an entity's position and rotation as specified by the packet
handleEntityTeleport(S18PacketEntityTeleport) - Method in interface
Updates an entity's position and rotation as specified by the packet
handleEntityVelocity(S12PacketEntityVelocity) - Method in class
Sets the velocity of the specified entity to the specified value
handleEntityVelocity(S12PacketEntityVelocity) - Method in interface
Sets the velocity of the specified entity to the specified value
handleExplosion(S27PacketExplosion) - Method in class
Initiates a new explosion (sound, particles, drop spawn) for the affected blocks indicated by the packet.
handleExplosion(S27PacketExplosion) - Method in interface
Initiates a new explosion (sound, particles, drop spawn) for the affected blocks indicated by the packet.
handleFalling(double, boolean) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP
process player falling based on movement packet
handleHeldItemChange(S09PacketHeldItemChange) - Method in class
Updates which hotbar slot of the player is currently selected
handleHeldItemChange(S09PacketHeldItemChange) - Method in interface
Updates which hotbar slot of the player is currently selected
handleHookCasting(double, double, double, float, float) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.projectile.EntityFishHook
handleHookRetraction() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.projectile.EntityFishHook
handleInput() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen
Delegates mouse and keyboard input.
handleJoinGame(S01PacketJoinGame) - Method in class
Registers some server properties (gametype,hardcore-mode,terraintype,difficulty,player limit), creates a new WorldClient and sets the player initial dimension
handleJoinGame(S01PacketJoinGame) - Method in interface
Registers some server properties (gametype,hardcore-mode,terraintype,difficulty,player limit), creates a new WorldClient and sets the player initial dimension
handleJumpLava() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase
handleJumpLava() - Method in class
handleKeepAlive(S00PacketKeepAlive) - Method in class
handleKeepAlive(S00PacketKeepAlive) - Method in interface
handleKeyboardInput() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen
Handles keyboard input.
handleKeyboardInput() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreenRealmsProxy
Handles keyboard input.
handleLoginSuccess(S02PacketLoginSuccess) - Method in class
handleLoginSuccess(S02PacketLoginSuccess) - Method in interface
handleMapChunkBulk(S26PacketMapChunkBulk) - Method in class
handleMapChunkBulk(S26PacketMapChunkBulk) - Method in interface
handleMaps(S34PacketMaps) - Method in class
Updates the worlds MapStorage with the specified MapData for the specified map-identifier and invokes a MapItemRenderer for it
handleMaps(S34PacketMaps) - Method in interface
Updates the worlds MapStorage with the specified MapData for the specified map-identifier and invokes a MapItemRenderer for it
handleMaterialAcceleration(AxisAlignedBB, Material, Entity) - Method in class
handles the acceleration of an object whilst in water.
handleMouseClick(Slot, int, int, int) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer
Called when the mouse is clicked over a slot or outside the gui.
handleMouseClick(Slot, int, int, int) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainerCreative
Called when the mouse is clicked over a slot or outside the gui.
handleMouseInput() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.achievement.GuiStats
Handles mouse input.
handleMouseInput() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiChat
Handles mouse input.
handleMouseInput() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiClickableScrolledSelectionListProxy
handleMouseInput() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiControls
Handles mouse input.
handleMouseInput() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiCreateFlatWorld
Handles mouse input.
handleMouseInput() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiCustomizeWorldScreen
Handles mouse input.
handleMouseInput() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiFlatPresets
Handles mouse input.
handleMouseInput() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiLanguage
Handles mouse input.
handleMouseInput() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiMultiplayer
Handles mouse input.
handleMouseInput() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen
Handles mouse input.
handleMouseInput() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreenCustomizePresets
Handles mouse input.
handleMouseInput() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreenRealmsProxy
Handles mouse input.
handleMouseInput() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreenResourcePacks
Handles mouse input.
handleMouseInput() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiSelectWorld
Handles mouse input.
handleMouseInput() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiSimpleScrolledSelectionListProxy
handleMouseInput() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiSlot
handleMouseInput() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiSlotRealmsProxy
handleMouseInput() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiSnooper
Handles mouse input.
handleMouseInput() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiVideoSettings
Handles mouse input.
handleMouseInput() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainerCreative
Handles mouse input.
handleMouseInput() - Method in class
Handles mouse input.
handleMultiBlockChange(S22PacketMultiBlockChange) - Method in class
Received from the servers PlayerManager if between 1 and 64 blocks in a chunk are changed.
handleMultiBlockChange(S22PacketMultiBlockChange) - Method in interface
Received from the servers PlayerManager if between 1 and 64 blocks in a chunk are changed.
handleOpenWindow(S2DPacketOpenWindow) - Method in class
Displays a GUI by ID.
handleOpenWindow(S2DPacketOpenWindow) - Method in interface
Displays a GUI by ID.
handleParticles(S2APacketParticles) - Method in class
Spawns a specified number of particles at the specified location with a randomized displacement according to specified bounds
handleParticles(S2APacketParticles) - Method in interface
Spawns a specified number of particles at the specified location with a randomized displacement according to specified bounds
handlePlayerAbilities(S39PacketPlayerAbilities) - Method in class
handlePlayerAbilities(S39PacketPlayerAbilities) - Method in interface
handlePlayerListHeaderFooter(S47PacketPlayerListHeaderFooter) - Method in class
handlePlayerListHeaderFooter(S47PacketPlayerListHeaderFooter) - Method in interface
handlePlayerListItem(S38PacketPlayerListItem) - Method in class
handlePlayerListItem(S38PacketPlayerListItem) - Method in interface
handlePlayerPosLook(S08PacketPlayerPosLook) - Method in class
Handles changes in player positioning and rotation such as when travelling to a new dimension, (re)spawning, mounting horses etc.
handlePlayerPosLook(S08PacketPlayerPosLook) - Method in interface
Handles changes in player positioning and rotation such as when travelling to a new dimension, (re)spawning, mounting horses etc.
handlePong(S01PacketPong) - Method in interface
handleRemoveEntityEffect(S1EPacketRemoveEntityEffect) - Method in class
handleRemoveEntityEffect(S1EPacketRemoveEntityEffect) - Method in interface
handleResourcePack(S48PacketResourcePackSend) - Method in class
handleResourcePack(S48PacketResourcePackSend) - Method in interface
handleResourcePackStatus(C19PacketResourcePackStatus) - Method in class
handleResourcePackStatus(C19PacketResourcePackStatus) - Method in interface
handleRespawn(S07PacketRespawn) - Method in class
handleRespawn(S07PacketRespawn) - Method in interface
handleRotationFloat(EntityChicken, float) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderChicken
Defines what float the third param in setRotationAngles of ModelBase is
handleRotationFloat(T, float) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RendererLivingEntity
Defines what float the third param in setRotationAngles of ModelBase is
handleRotationFloat(EntitySquid, float) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderSquid
Defines what float the third param in setRotationAngles of ModelBase is
handleRotationFloat(EntityWolf, float) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderWolf
Defines what float the third param in setRotationAngles of ModelBase is
handleScoreboardObjective(S3BPacketScoreboardObjective) - Method in class
May create a scoreboard objective, remove an objective from the scoreboard or update an objectives' displayname
handleScoreboardObjective(S3BPacketScoreboardObjective) - Method in interface
May create a scoreboard objective, remove an objective from the scoreboard or update an objectives' displayname
handleServerDifficulty(S41PacketServerDifficulty) - Method in class
handleServerDifficulty(S41PacketServerDifficulty) - Method in interface
handleServerInfo(S00PacketServerInfo) - Method in interface
handleSetCompressionLevel(S46PacketSetCompressionLevel) - Method in class
handleSetCompressionLevel(S46PacketSetCompressionLevel) - Method in interface
handleSetExperience(S1FPacketSetExperience) - Method in class
handleSetExperience(S1FPacketSetExperience) - Method in interface
handleSetSlot(S2FPacketSetSlot) - Method in class
Handles pickin up an ItemStack or dropping one in your inventory or an open (non-creative) container
handleSetSlot(S2FPacketSetSlot) - Method in interface
Handles pickin up an ItemStack or dropping one in your inventory or an open (non-creative) container
handleSignEditorOpen(S36PacketSignEditorOpen) - Method in class
Creates a sign in the specified location if it didn't exist and opens the GUI to edit its text
handleSignEditorOpen(S36PacketSignEditorOpen) - Method in interface
Creates a sign in the specified location if it didn't exist and opens the GUI to edit its text
handleSlashCommand(String) - Method in class
Handle commands that start with a /
handleSoundEffect(S29PacketSoundEffect) - Method in class
handleSoundEffect(S29PacketSoundEffect) - Method in interface
handleSpawnExperienceOrb(S11PacketSpawnExperienceOrb) - Method in class
Spawns an experience orb and sets its value (amount of XP)
handleSpawnExperienceOrb(S11PacketSpawnExperienceOrb) - Method in interface
Spawns an experience orb and sets its value (amount of XP)
handleSpawnGlobalEntity(S2CPacketSpawnGlobalEntity) - Method in class
Handles globally visible entities.
handleSpawnGlobalEntity(S2CPacketSpawnGlobalEntity) - Method in interface
Handles globally visible entities.
handleSpawnMob(S0FPacketSpawnMob) - Method in class
Spawns the mob entity at the specified location, with the specified rotation, momentum and type.
handleSpawnMob(S0FPacketSpawnMob) - Method in interface
Spawns the mob entity at the specified location, with the specified rotation, momentum and type.
handleSpawnObject(S0EPacketSpawnObject) - Method in class
Spawns an instance of the objecttype indicated by the packet and sets its position and momentum
handleSpawnObject(S0EPacketSpawnObject) - Method in interface
Spawns an instance of the objecttype indicated by the packet and sets its position and momentum
handleSpawnPainting(S10PacketSpawnPainting) - Method in class
Handles the spawning of a painting object
handleSpawnPainting(S10PacketSpawnPainting) - Method in interface
Handles the spawning of a painting object
handleSpawnPlayer(S0CPacketSpawnPlayer) - Method in class
Handles the creation of a nearby player entity, sets the position and held item
handleSpawnPlayer(S0CPacketSpawnPlayer) - Method in interface
Handles the creation of a nearby player entity, sets the position and held item
handleSpawnPosition(S05PacketSpawnPosition) - Method in class
handleSpawnPosition(S05PacketSpawnPosition) - Method in interface
handleSpectate(C18PacketSpectate) - Method in class
handleSpectate(C18PacketSpectate) - Method in interface
handleStatistics(S37PacketStatistics) - Method in class
Updates the players statistics or achievements
handleStatistics(S37PacketStatistics) - Method in interface
Updates the players statistics or achievements
handleStatusUpdate(byte) - Method in class
handleStatusUpdate(byte) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
handleStatusUpdate(byte) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving
handleStatusUpdate(byte) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase
handleStatusUpdate(byte) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityFireworkRocket
handleStatusUpdate(byte) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityMinecartTNT
handleStatusUpdate(byte) - Method in class
handleStatusUpdate(byte) - Method in class
handleStatusUpdate(byte) - Method in class
handleStatusUpdate(byte) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityAnimal
handleStatusUpdate(byte) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse
handleStatusUpdate(byte) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityRabbit
handleStatusUpdate(byte) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntitySheep
handleStatusUpdate(byte) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntitySquid
handleStatusUpdate(byte) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityTameable
handleStatusUpdate(byte) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityVillager
handleStatusUpdate(byte) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityWolf
handleStatusUpdate(byte) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer
handleTabComplete(S3APacketTabComplete) - Method in class
Displays the available command-completion options the server knows of
handleTabComplete(S3APacketTabComplete) - Method in interface
Displays the available command-completion options the server knows of
handleTeams(S3EPacketTeams) - Method in class
Updates a team managed by the scoreboard: Create/Remove the team registration, Register/Remove the player-team- memberships, Set team displayname/prefix/suffix and/or whether friendly fire is enabled
handleTeams(S3EPacketTeams) - Method in interface
Updates a team managed by the scoreboard: Create/Remove the team registration, Register/Remove the player-team- memberships, Set team displayname/prefix/suffix and/or whether friendly fire is enabled
handleTimeUpdate(S03PacketTimeUpdate) - Method in class
handleTimeUpdate(S03PacketTimeUpdate) - Method in interface
handleTitle(S45PacketTitle) - Method in class
handleTitle(S45PacketTitle) - Method in interface
handleUpdateHealth(S06PacketUpdateHealth) - Method in class
handleUpdateHealth(S06PacketUpdateHealth) - Method in interface
handleUpdateScore(S3CPacketUpdateScore) - Method in class
Either updates the score with a specified value or removes the score for an objective
handleUpdateScore(S3CPacketUpdateScore) - Method in interface
Either updates the score with a specified value or removes the score for an objective
handleUpdateSign(S33PacketUpdateSign) - Method in class
Updates a specified sign with the specified text lines
handleUpdateSign(S33PacketUpdateSign) - Method in interface
Updates a specified sign with the specified text lines
handleUpdateTileEntity(S35PacketUpdateTileEntity) - Method in class
Updates the NBTTagCompound metadata of instances of the following entitytypes: Mob spawners, command blocks, beacons, skulls, flowerpot
handleUpdateTileEntity(S35PacketUpdateTileEntity) - Method in interface
Updates the NBTTagCompound metadata of instances of the following entitytypes: Mob spawners, command blocks, beacons, skulls, flowerpot
handleUseBed(S0APacketUseBed) - Method in class
Retrieves the player identified by the packet, puts him to sleep if possible (and flags whether all players are asleep)
handleUseBed(S0APacketUseBed) - Method in interface
Retrieves the player identified by the packet, puts him to sleep if possible (and flags whether all players are asleep)
handleWaterMovement() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
Returns if this entity is in water and will end up adding the waters velocity to the entity
handleWaterMovement() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem
Returns if this entity is in water and will end up adding the waters velocity to the entity
handleWaterMovement() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityXPOrb
Returns if this entity is in water and will end up adding the waters velocity to the entity
handleWindowItems(S30PacketWindowItems) - Method in class
Handles the placement of a specified ItemStack in a specified container/inventory slot
handleWindowItems(S30PacketWindowItems) - Method in interface
Handles the placement of a specified ItemStack in a specified container/inventory slot
handleWindowProperty(S31PacketWindowProperty) - Method in class
Sets the progressbar of the opened window to the specified value
handleWindowProperty(S31PacketWindowProperty) - Method in interface
Sets the progressbar of the opened window to the specified value
handleWorldBorder(S44PacketWorldBorder) - Method in class
handleWorldBorder(S44PacketWorldBorder) - Method in interface
hangingEntityClass - Variable in class net.minecraft.item.ItemHangingEntity
hangingPosition - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.EntityHanging
HappyVillagerFactory() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.particle.EntityAuraFX.HappyVillagerFactory
hardcore - Variable in class
hardcore - Variable in class
Hardcore mode flag
hardcoreEnabled - Variable in class
True if hardcore mode is enabled
hardcoreMode - Variable in class
hardened_clay - Static variable in class net.minecraft.init.Blocks
harm - Static variable in class net.minecraft.potion.Potion
harvestBlock(World, EntityPlayer, BlockPos, IBlockState, TileEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.Block
harvestBlock(World, EntityPlayer, BlockPos, IBlockState, TileEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockBanner
harvestBlock(World, EntityPlayer, BlockPos, IBlockState, TileEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockDeadBush
harvestBlock(World, EntityPlayer, BlockPos, IBlockState, TileEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockDoublePlant
harvestBlock(World, EntityPlayer, BlockPos, IBlockState, TileEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockIce
harvestBlock(World, EntityPlayer, BlockPos, IBlockState, TileEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockNewLeaf
harvestBlock(World, EntityPlayer, BlockPos, IBlockState, TileEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockOldLeaf
harvestBlock(World, EntityPlayer, BlockPos, IBlockState, TileEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockSnow
harvestBlock(World, EntityPlayer, BlockPos, IBlockState, TileEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockTallGrass
harvestBlock(World, EntityPlayer, BlockPos, IBlockState, TileEntity) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockVine
harvestLevel - Variable in enum net.minecraft.item.Item.ToolMaterial
HAS_BOTTLE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.BlockBrewingStand
HAS_RECORD - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.BlockJukebox
hasAchievementUnlocked(Achievement) - Method in class net.minecraft.stats.StatFileWriter
Returns true if the achievement has been unlocked.
hasActivePotionEffects - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.InventoryEffectRenderer
True if there is some potion effect to display
hasAnimationMetadata() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite
hasArguments(String) - Static method in class net.minecraft.command.PlayerSelector
Returns whether the given token has any arguments set.
hasArguments() - Method in enum net.minecraft.util.EnumParticleTypes
hasArray() - Method in class
hasBanExpired() - Method in class
hasBanExpired() - Method in class
hasCheats() - Method in class net.minecraft.realms.RealmsLevelSummary
hasCloudFog(double, double, double, float) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderGlobal
Checks if the given position is to be rendered with cloud fog
hasColor() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.VertexFormat
hasColor(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor
Return whether the specified armor ItemStack has a color.
hasColor() - Method in class net.minecraft.realms.RealmsVertexFormat
hasColorModifier - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.boss.BossStatus
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.Block
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockBrewingStand
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockCake
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockCauldron
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockChest
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockCommandBlock
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockDispenser
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockEndPortalFrame
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockFurnace
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockHopper
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockJukebox
hasComparatorInputOverride() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockRailDetector
hasContainerItem() - Method in class net.minecraft.item.Item
True if this Item has a container item (a.k.a.
hasCraftingStack() - Method in enum net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityBanner.EnumBannerPattern
hasCrashed - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.Minecraft
hasCrops(World, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockFarmland
hasCustomName() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockAnvil.Anvil
hasCustomName() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockWorkbench.InterfaceCraftingTable
hasCustomName() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.player.inventory.LocalBlockIntercommunication
Returns true if this thing is named
hasCustomName() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
Returns true if this thing is named
hasCustomName() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityMinecart
Returns true if this thing is named
hasCustomName() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer
Returns true if this thing is named
hasCustomName - Variable in class net.minecraft.inventory.InventoryBasic
hasCustomName() - Method in class net.minecraft.inventory.InventoryBasic
Returns true if this thing is named
hasCustomName() - Method in class net.minecraft.inventory.InventoryCrafting
Returns true if this thing is named
hasCustomName() - Method in class net.minecraft.inventory.InventoryCraftResult
Returns true if this thing is named
hasCustomName() - Method in class net.minecraft.inventory.InventoryLargeChest
Returns true if this thing is named
hasCustomName() - Method in class net.minecraft.inventory.InventoryMerchant
Returns true if this thing is named
hasCustomName() - Method in class net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityBeacon
Returns true if this thing is named
hasCustomName() - Method in class net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityBrewingStand
Returns true if this thing is named
hasCustomName() - Method in class net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityChest
Returns true if this thing is named
hasCustomName() - Method in class net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityDispenser
Returns true if this thing is named
hasCustomName() - Method in class net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityEnchantmentTable
Returns true if this thing is named
hasCustomName() - Method in class net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityFurnace
Returns true if this thing is named
hasCustomName() - Method in class net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityHopper
Returns true if this thing is named
hasCustomName() - Method in interface
Returns true if this thing is named
hasDecoration - Variable in class
hasDisplayName() - Method in class net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
Returns true if the itemstack has a display name
hasDisplayTile() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityMinecart
hasDungeons - Variable in class
hasEffect(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.Item
hasEffect(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.ItemAppleGold
hasEffect(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.ItemEditableBook
hasEffect(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.ItemEnchantedBook
hasEffect(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.ItemExpBottle
hasEffect(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.ItemPotion
hasEffect(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.ItemSimpleFoiled
hasEffect() - Method in class net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
hasEnoughItems(int) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityVillager
Returns true if villager has enough items in inventory
hasEntities - Variable in class
Whether this Chunk has any Entities and thus requires saving on every tick
hasEntry(K) - Method in class
hasExtendedLevels - Variable in class
set by !chunk.getAreLevelsEmpty
hasFadeColour - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.particle.EntityFirework.SparkFX
hasFarmItem - Variable in class
hasField(JsonObject, String) - Static method in class net.minecraft.util.JsonUtils
Does the given JsonObject contain a field with the given name?
hash - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.settings.KeyBinding
hash - Variable in class
hash - Variable in class
hash - Variable in class net.minecraft.pathfinding.PathPoint
A hash of the coordinates used to identify this point
hash - Variable in class net.minecraft.util.LongHashMap.Entry
hash(int) - Static method in class net.minecraft.util.LongHashMap
the hash function
hashArray - Variable in class net.minecraft.util.LongHashMap
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.state.BlockState.StateImplementation
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ItemTransformVec3f
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelBlockDefinition
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelBlockDefinition.Variant
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelBlockDefinition.Variants
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.VertexFormat
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.VertexFormatElement
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.resources.Language
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.resources.model.ModelResourceLocation
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.resources.ResourcePackRepository.Entry
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.resources.SimpleResource
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.util.JsonBlendingMode
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.EntityTrackerEntry
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.event.ClickEvent
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.event.HoverEvent
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.nbt.NBTBase
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagByte
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagByteArray
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagDouble
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagFloat
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagInt
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagIntArray
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagLong
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagShort
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagString
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.pathfinding.PathPoint
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.potion.PotionEffect
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.realms.RealmsVertexFormat
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.realms.RealmsVertexFormatElement
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.stats.StatBase
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentStyle
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentTranslation
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.util.ChatStyle
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.util.IntHashMap.Entry
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.util.LongHashMap.Entry
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.util.Vec3i
hashCode() - Method in class net.minecraft.util.Vec4b
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashedServerId - Variable in class
hashEntry - Variable in class net.minecraft.util.IntHashMap.Entry
hasHome() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.EntityCreature
Returns whether a home area is defined for this entity.
hasIgnited() - Method in class
hasItem(Item) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer
Checks if a specified Item is inside the inventory
hasItemModel(ModelBlock) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.resources.model.ModelBakery
hasItemStack(ItemStack) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer
Returns true if the specified ItemStack exists in the inventory.
hasKey(String) - Method in class net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound
Returns whether the given string has been previously stored as a key in the map.
hasKey(String, int) - Method in class net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound
hasListHeader - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiSlot
hasLocationSkin() - Method in class
hasMadeChest - Variable in class
hasMadeChest - Variable in class
hasMemoryAddress() - Method in class
hasMetadata() - Method in interface net.minecraft.client.resources.IResource
hasMetadata() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.resources.SimpleResource
hasModifier(AttributeModifier) - Method in interface
hasModifier(AttributeModifier) - Method in class
hasMoreThanTwoComponents - Variable in class
hasMoved - Variable in class
hasNext() - Method in class net.minecraft.util.Cartesian.Product.ProductIterator
hasNoBasePlate() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
hasNoChannel() - Method in class
hasNoGravity() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
hasNormal() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.VertexFormat
hasNormal() - Method in class net.minecraft.realms.RealmsVertexFormat
hasNoSky - Variable in class
A boolean that tells if a world does not have a sky.
hasNoTags() - Method in class net.minecraft.nbt.NBTBase
Return whether this compound has no tags.
hasNoTags() - Method in class net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound
Return whether this compound has no tags.
hasNoTags() - Method in class net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList
Return whether this compound has no tags.
hasNoTags() - Method in class net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagString
Return whether this compound has no tags.
hasNotificationData - Variable in class
hasNoTime() - Method in class
hasObjectChanged() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.DataWatcher
true if one or more object was changed
hasParent() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ModelBlock
hasPath() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.EntityCreature
if the entity got a PathEntity it returns true, else false
hasPlayerGotBoneInHand(EntityPlayer) - Method in class
Gets if the Player has the Bone in the hand.
hasPlayerInfo() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.entity.AbstractClientPlayer
Checks if this instance of AbstractClientPlayer has any associated player data.
hasPlayerInstance(int, int) - Method in class
hasPosition() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.VertexFormat
hasRailAt(BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockRailBase.Rail
hasRails - Variable in class
hasRaytraced - Variable in class net.minecraft.block.BlockStairs
hasReducedDebug - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer
hasReducedDebug() - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer
Whether the "reducedDebugInfo" option is active for this player.
hasRelevantEnchantmentType(EnumEnchantmentType) - Method in class net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs
hasReproduced - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse
hasResourceName(String) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.resources.AbstractResourcePack
hasResourceName(String) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.resources.FileResourcePack
hasResourceName(String) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.resources.FolderResourcePack
hasResourcePackEntry(ResourcePackListEntry) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreenResourcePacks
hasRoomForPlayer(World, BlockPos) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockBed
hasRule(String) - Method in class
Return whether the specified game rule is defined.
hasScrollbar - Variable in class net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs
hasSecondItemToBuy() - Method in class net.minecraft.village.MerchantRecipe
Gets if Villager has secondItemToBuy.
hasSkin() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.entity.AbstractClientPlayer
Returns true if the player has an associated skin.
hasSlots() - Method in class
hasSpawner - Variable in class
hasSpawner - Variable in class
hasSpiders - Variable in class
hasState(Predicate<IBlockState>) - Static method in class net.minecraft.block.state.BlockWorldState
hasStatusIcon() - Method in class net.minecraft.potion.Potion
Returns true if the potion has a associated status icon to display in then inventory when active.
hasStoppedDoorInteraction - Variable in class
If is true then the Entity has stopped Door Interaction and compoleted the task.
hasSubtypes - Variable in class net.minecraft.item.Item
Some items (like dyes) have multiple subtypes on same item, this is field define this behavior
hasTagCompound() - Method in class net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
Returns true if the ItemStack has an NBTTagCompound.
hasTargetedEntity() - Method in class
hasTileEntity() - Method in class net.minecraft.block.Block
hasTintIndex() - Method in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.BakedQuad
hasTransparency(int, int, int, int) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.ImageBufferDownload
Returns true if the given area of the image contains transparent pixels
hasUv(int) - Method in class net.minecraft.realms.RealmsVertexFormat
hasUvOffset(int) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.vertex.VertexFormat
hasValidCrafting() - Method in enum net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityBanner.EnumBannerPattern
hasValidHealth - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP
hasWater(World, BlockPos) - Method in class net.minecraft.block.BlockFarmland
hasWitch - Variable in class
hasWorldObj() - Method in class net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity
Returns true if the worldObj isn't null.
hay_block - Static variable in class net.minecraft.init.Blocks
head - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelChicken
head - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelCreeper
head - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelDragon
The head Model renderer of the dragon
head - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelHorse
head - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelHumanoidHead
head - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelQuadruped
head - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelSnowMan
head - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ItemCameraTransforms
header - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiPlayerTabOverlay
header - Variable in class
headerPadding - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiSlot
headLean - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse
headPitch - Variable in class
headRotation - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityArmorStand
headRotationAngleX - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelSheep1
headRotationAngleX - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelSheep2
headRotationCourse - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityWolf
Float used to smooth the rotation of the wolf head
headRotationCourseOld - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityWolf
heal(float) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP
Heal living entity (param: amount of half-hearts)
heal(float) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase
Heal living entity (param: amount of half-hearts)
heal - Static variable in class net.minecraft.potion.Potion
healAmount - Variable in class net.minecraft.item.ItemFood
The amount this food item heals the player.
healingEnderCrystal - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.boss.EntityDragon
The current endercrystal that is healing this dragon
health - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityEnderCrystal
health - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem
The health of this EntityItem.
health - Variable in class
health - Static variable in interface net.minecraft.scoreboard.IScoreObjectiveCriteria
health - Variable in class net.minecraft.util.CombatEntry
healthBoost - Static variable in class net.minecraft.potion.Potion
The health boost Potion object.
healthScale - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.boss.BossStatus
healthUpdateCounter - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiIngame
Used with updateCounter to make the heart bar flash
heavy_weighted_pressure_plate - Static variable in class net.minecraft.init.Blocks
height - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.achievement.GuiAchievement
height - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton
Button height in pixels
height - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen
The height of the screen object.
height - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiSlot
height - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiTextField
height - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.main.GameConfiguration.DisplayInformation
height - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.DynamicTexture
height of this icon in pixels
height - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.Stitcher.Holder
height - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.Stitcher.Slot
height - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite
height - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
How high this entity is considered to be
height - Variable in class net.minecraft.realms.RealmsScreen
height() - Method in class net.minecraft.realms.RealmsScreen
height - Variable in class net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityBeacon.BeamSegment
Height(float, float) - Constructor for class
height - Variable in class
height_DeepOceans - Static variable in class
height_Default - Static variable in class
height_HighPlateaus - Static variable in class
height_LowHills - Static variable in class
height_LowIslands - Static variable in class
height_LowPlains - Static variable in class
height_MidHills - Static variable in class
height_MidPlains - Static variable in class
height_Oceans - Static variable in class
height_PartiallySubmerged - Static variable in class
height_RockyWaters - Static variable in class
height_ShallowWaters - Static variable in class
height_Shores - Static variable in class
heightAttenuation - Variable in class
heightLimit - Variable in class
heightLimitLimit - Variable in class
heightMap - Variable in class
heightmap - Variable in class
heightMapMinimum - Variable in class
Lowest value in the heightmap.
heightOffset - Variable in class
Random offset used in floating behaviour
heightOffsetUpdateTime - Variable in class
ticks until heightOffset is randomized
heightRequirement - Variable in class net.minecraft.pathfinding.PathNavigate
heightScale - Variable in class
heightScale - Variable in class
heldItemHotbarIndex - Variable in class
heldItemLeft - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBiped
Records whether the model should be rendered holding an item in the left hand, and if that item is a block.
heldItemRight - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelBiped
Records whether the model should be rendered holding an item in the right hand, and if that item is a block.
heldItemTooltips - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.settings.GameSettings
hell - Static variable in class
hellRNG - Variable in class
hideGUI - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.settings.GameSettings
hideParticles - Variable in class
hideServerAddress - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.settings.GameSettings
highlightingItemStack - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiIngame
The ItemStack that is currently being highlighted
HINGE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.block.BlockDoor
historyBuffer - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiChat
hitByEntity(Entity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
Called when a player attacks an entity.
hitByEntity(Entity) - Method in class net.minecraft.entity.EntityHanging
Called when a player attacks an entity.
hitEntity(ItemStack, EntityLivingBase, EntityLivingBase) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.Item
Current implementations of this method in child classes do not use the entry argument beside ev.
hitEntity(ItemStack, EntityLivingBase, EntityLivingBase) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.ItemSaddle
Current implementations of this method in child classes do not use the entry argument beside ev.
hitEntity(EntityLivingBase, EntityPlayer) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
Calls the corresponding fct in di
hitEntity(ItemStack, EntityLivingBase, EntityLivingBase) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.ItemSword
Current implementations of this method in child classes do not use the entry argument beside ev.
hitEntity(ItemStack, EntityLivingBase, EntityLivingBase) - Method in class net.minecraft.item.ItemTool
Current implementations of this method in child classes do not use the entry argument beside ev.
hitVec - Variable in class
hitVec - Variable in class net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition
The vector position of the hit
holder - Variable in exception net.minecraft.client.renderer.StitcherException
Holder(TextureAtlasSprite, int) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.Stitcher.Holder
holder - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.Stitcher.Slot
holdRoseTick - Variable in class
homeCheckTimer - Variable in class
deincrements, and a distance-to-home check is done at 0
homePosition - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.EntityCreature
hopper - Static variable in class net.minecraft.init.Blocks
HOPPER_GUI_TEXTURE - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiHopper
The ResourceLocation containing the gui texture for the hopper
hopper_minecart - Static variable in class net.minecraft.init.Items
hopperInventory - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiHopper
The hopper inventory bound to this GUI instance
hopperInventory - Variable in class net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerHopper
horizontalIndex - Variable in enum net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing
Ordering index for the HORIZONTALS field (S-W-N-E)
HORIZONTALS - Static variable in enum net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing
All Facings with horizontal axis in order S-W-N-E
HORSE_ARMOR_TEXTURES_ABBR - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse
HORSE_MARKING_TEXTURES_ABBR - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse
HORSE_TEXTURES_ABBR - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse
horseArmorTextures - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse
horseBreedingSelector - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse
horseChest - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse
horseEntity - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiScreenHorseInventory
The EntityHorse whose inventory is currently being accessed.
horseFaceRopes - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelHorse
The box for the horse's ropes on its face.
horseGuiTextures - Static variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiScreenHorseInventory
horseHost - Variable in class
horseInventory - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiScreenHorseInventory
The horse inventory bound to this GUI.
horseInventory - Variable in class net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerHorseInventory
horseJumping - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse
horseJumpPower - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP
horseJumpPowerCounter - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP
horseJumpStrength - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse
horseLeftEar - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelHorse
horseLeftFaceMetal - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelHorse
The left metal connected to the horse's face ropes.
horseLeftRein - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelHorse
horseLeftSaddleMetal - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelHorse
horseLeftSaddleRope - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelHorse
horseMarkingTextures - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse
horseRightEar - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelHorse
horseRightFaceMetal - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelHorse
The right metal connected to the horse's face ropes.
horseRightRein - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelHorse
horseRightSaddleMetal - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelHorse
horseRightSaddleRope - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelHorse
horseSaddleBack - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelHorse
horseSaddleBottom - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelHorse
horseSaddleFront - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.model.ModelHorse
horseTextures - Static variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse
horseTexturesArray - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse
horseType - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse.GroupData
horseVariant - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.passive.EntityHorse.GroupData
host - Variable in class net.minecraft.realms.RealmsServerAddress
hostPlayerData - Variable in class net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedPlayerList
Holds the NBT data for the host player's save file, so this can be written to level.dat.
House1() - Constructor for class
House1(StructureVillagePieces.Start, int, Random, StructureBoundingBox, EnumFacing) - Constructor for class
House2() - Constructor for class
House2(StructureVillagePieces.Start, int, Random, StructureBoundingBox, EnumFacing) - Constructor for class
House3() - Constructor for class
House3(StructureVillagePieces.Start, int, Random, StructureBoundingBox, EnumFacing) - Constructor for class
House4Garden() - Constructor for class
House4Garden(StructureVillagePieces.Start, int, Random, StructureBoundingBox, EnumFacing) - Constructor for class
hovered - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton
HoverEvent - Class in net.minecraft.event
HoverEvent(HoverEvent.Action, IChatComponent) - Constructor for class net.minecraft.event.HoverEvent
HoverEvent.Action - Enum in net.minecraft.event
hoveringText - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiMultiplayer
The text to be displayed when the player's cursor hovers over a server listing.
hoverStart - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem
The EntityItem's random initial float height.
HttpUtil - Class in net.minecraft.util
HttpUtil() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.util.HttpUtil
humanoidHead - Variable in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.tileentity.TileEntitySkullRenderer
hunger - Static variable in class net.minecraft.potion.Potion
The hunger Potion object.
hungerDamage - Variable in class net.minecraft.util.DamageSource
hurtCameraEffect(float) - Method in class net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer
hurtEntities - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityFallingBlock
HurtIterator() - Constructor for class net.minecraft.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper.HurtIterator
hurtResistantTime - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.Entity
Remaining time an entity will be "immune" to further damage after being hurt.
hurtTime - Variable in class net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase
The amount of time remaining this entity should act 'hurt'.
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